by Rashad Khalifa, Ph.D.
Quran: The Final Testament
(Authorized English Version)
Translated From the Original by Dr. Rashad Khalifa
English translation with Arabic text, 709 pages. Published in 1992.
ISBN 0934894760 …………………...….…. $19.00
Quran: The Final Testament
(Authorized English Version)
Translated From the Original by Dr. Rashad Khalifa
Millennium Edition, 760 pages with Arabic text
ISBN 1-881893-03-0 …………………….…. $15.00
The Computer Speaks
Quran’s mathematical code in table form
by Dr. Rashad Khalifa
ISBN 0-934894-38-8 …………….…………. $10.00
Quran: Visual Presentation of the Miracle
Quran's math code illustrated by Dr. R. Khalifa
ISBN 0-934894-30-2 ………………………. $10.00
Quran, Hadith and Islam
The role of Quran and Hadith in Islam
by Dr. Rashad Khalifa, Paperback
ISBN 0-934894-35-3 ……….………………. $10.00
The Contact Prayer (Salat)
Step by step explanation of the five prayers
Booklet ……………………….……….…...….. $2.00
(Special: Order 2 or more copies for $1.50/copy)
Recommended to be read with the Contact Prayer (Salat) video
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Quran in Farsi
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Jesus: Myths and Message
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Beyond Probability
God’s Message in Mathematics,
by Abdullah Arik
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by Douglass Brown, Ph.D.
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Direct Contact
The Contact Prayer (Salat) and its math encoding
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