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Search within the following range
1: The Key
2: The Heifer
3: The Amramites
4: Women
5: The Feast
6: Livestock
7: The Purgatory
8: The Spoils of War
9: Ultimatum
10: Jonah
11: Hûd
12: Joseph
13: Thunder
14: Abraham
15: Al-Hijr Valley
16: The Bee
17: The Children of Israel
18: The Cave
19: Mary
20: T.H.
21: The Prophets
22: Pilgrimage
23: The Believers
24: Light
25: The Statute Book
26: The Poets
27: The Ant
28: History
29: The Spider
30: The Romans
31: Luqmãn
32: Prostration
33: The Parties
34: Sheba
35: Initiator
36: Y.S.
37: The Arrangers
38: S
39: The Throngs
40: Forgiver
41: Detailed
42: Consultation
43: Ornaments
44: Smoke
45: Kneeling
46: The Dunes
47: Muhammad
48: Victory
49: The Walls
50: Q
51: Drivers of the Winds
52: Mount Sinai
53: The Stars
54: The Moon
55: Most Gracious
56: The Inevitable
57: Iron
58: The Debate
59: Exodus
60: The Test
61: The Column
62: Friday
63: The Hypocrites
64: Mutual Blaming
65: Divorce
66: Prohibition
67: Kingship
68: The Pen
69: Incontestable
70: The Heights
71: Noah
72: Jinns
73: Cloaked
74: The Hidden Secret
75: Resurrection
76: The Human
77: Dispatched
78: The Event
79: The Snatchers
80: He Frowned
81: The Rolling
82: The Shattering
83: The Cheaters
84: The Rupture
85: The Galaxies
86: The Bright Star
87: The Most High
88: Overwhelming
89: Dawn
90: The Town
91: The Sun
92: The Night
93: The Forenoon
94: Cooling the Temper
95: The Fig
96: The Clinger
97: Destiny
98: Proof
99: The Quake
100: The Gallopers
101: The Shocker
102: Hoarding
103: The Afternoon
104: The Backbiter
105: The Elephant
106: Quraish
107: Charity
108: Bounty
109: The Disbelievers
110: Triumph
111: Thorns
112: Absoluteness
113: Daybreak
114: People
1: The Key
2: The Heifer
3: The Amramites
4: Women
5: The Feast
6: Livestock
7: The Purgatory
8: The Spoils of War
9: Ultimatum
10: Jonah
11: Hûd
12: Joseph
13: Thunder
14: Abraham
15: Al-Hijr Valley
16: The Bee
17: The Children of Israel
18: The Cave
19: Mary
20: T.H.
21: The Prophets
22: Pilgrimage
23: The Believers
24: Light
25: The Statute Book
26: The Poets
27: The Ant
28: History
29: The Spider
30: The Romans
31: Luqmãn
32: Prostration
33: The Parties
34: Sheba
35: Initiator
36: Y.S.
37: The Arrangers
38: S
39: The Throngs
40: Forgiver
41: Detailed
42: Consultation
43: Ornaments
44: Smoke
45: Kneeling
46: The Dunes
47: Muhammad
48: Victory
49: The Walls
50: Q
51: Drivers of the Winds
52: Mount Sinai
53: The Stars
54: The Moon
55: Most Gracious
56: The Inevitable
57: Iron
58: The Debate
59: Exodus
60: The Test
61: The Column
62: Friday
63: The Hypocrites
64: Mutual Blaming
65: Divorce
66: Prohibition
67: Kingship
68: The Pen
69: Incontestable
70: The Heights
71: Noah
72: Jinns
73: Cloaked
74: The Hidden Secret
75: Resurrection
76: The Human
77: Dispatched
78: The Event
79: The Snatchers
80: He Frowned
81: The Rolling
82: The Shattering
83: The Cheaters
84: The Rupture
85: The Galaxies
86: The Bright Star
87: The Most High
88: Overwhelming
89: Dawn
90: The Town
91: The Sun
92: The Night
93: The Forenoon
94: Cooling the Temper
95: The Fig
96: The Clinger
97: Destiny
98: Proof
99: The Quake
100: The Gallopers
101: The Shocker
102: Hoarding
103: The Afternoon
104: The Backbiter
105: The Elephant
106: Quraish
107: Charity
108: Bounty
109: The Disbelievers
110: Triumph
111: Thorns
112: Absoluteness
113: Daybreak
114: People