Ramadan is the month God decreed for fasting. It is the 9th month of the lunar calendar. The full details of fasting are given in Quran 2:183-187.
The Night of Destiny (Night of Power) will start, God willing, at sunset on May 19, 2020 for those places that start Ramadan fasting April 24. For those locations that start fasting on April 23 (a day earlier), the Night of Destiny falls on May 18, 2020 God willing.
O you who believe, fasting is decreed
for you, as it was decreed for those before you, that you
may attain salvation. (2:183)
Ramadan is the month during which the Quran was revealed, providing guidance for the people, clear teachings, and the statute book. Those of you who witness this month shall fast therein.... (2:185)
The new moon timings used to determine the month of Ramadan were:
Please verify / check with the information available for your location using the Ramadan Calculation Assistant and the National Oceanic & Atmospheric Adminstration (NOAA) solar & lunar calculators.
(*1 Note): While we try to check the dates, to be safe for the sake of our own souls, we request if you could please verify the calculations. If you have questions about calculating the start and end days of Ramadan, please refer to September 2009 issue of the Submitters Perspective. Dates and times of Moon phases and sunrise/sunset can be found from: US Naval Observatory (an alternative site is NOAA). All times are in UTC (Universal Time / GMT). To convert to your time zone you can use a Time Zone Converter. You will also need to convert the new moon times from UTC (GMT) to your local time zone (taking into account daylight savings if applicable). You will also need to check the times of your local sunset.
We also have for your convenience (please verify computed results for accuracy) a Ramadan Dates Calculator.
More details on Ramadan including information about why the calculation is done as above (i.e., the beginning of the day is at sunset) is available in an article on Ramadan. Other Ramadan articles are linked at the top of this page.
* For your specific location you can visit the USNO Sun/Moon daily data page (or the NOAA solar & lunar calculators). Calculate the information for the date you are interested. Compare the time of sunset with the time for the new moon (in local time).