Has God forsaken the Arabs
Continued from page 1
An overwhelming miracle has been discovered in Qur’an. The
miracle is characterized by the fact that it consists entirely of
undeniable physical facts. Over the last fifteen years, using computers,
an intricate mathematical system has emerged within Qur’an.
Five books and numerous summaries have been published around the
world detailing this awesome miracle of the Qur’an.
The Qur’an itself has stated that this miraculous mathematical
system constitutes THE MIRACLE OF QUR’AN (see Quran
10:1, 12:1, 13:1, 15:1, 26:2, 27:1, 28:2, 31:2 & 74:25-35).
Furthermore, the Qur’an has stated that it contains a secret
that will, in time, prove that Qur’an is indeed the word of
God, (see Quran 25:4-6), and that THIS
Thousands of people around the world have examined the miracle
of Qur’an, and all those permitted by God to understand it
were unanimously overwhelmed. Thousands of people have understood
and appreciated the Qur’an’s mathematical miracle, and
many converted to Islam as a direct result.
Muslims of all races, nationalities, educational levels and professions
have enthusiastically supported the miracle; the only
exception has been THE ARABS. One of the strangest
phenomena I have ever witnessed is the fact that NOT
OF QUR’AN. Not only were the Arabs prevented
by God from understanding the Qur’an’s mathematical
miracle, they are the only |
people in the world who are fighting
it; YES, FIGHTING IT. They allocated budgets, and spent
a lot of money to fight God and His miracle. In the process, they
have committed some of the wierdest blasphemies I have ever seen.
The following example is a perfect illustration:
Last July, I visited Vancouver, BC, to speak on the Miracle of
Qur’an. Some brothers and sisters in Vancouver worked very
hard to publicise the Miracle, and placed advertisements in Vancouver’s
newspapers that we now possess physical evidence proving that Qur’an
is God’s message to the world. When the time came to deliver
my lecture, many Christian Canadians responded to the ads and came
to witness the Miracle. As it turned out, some Arab residents of
Vancouver had contacted the Saudi embassy in Ottowa, and soon the
second man in the Saudi Religious Heirarchy was dispatched to Vancouver
to oppose me. As soon as I finished, Sheikh Muhammad Al-Qa’ood
(the Saudi religious authority) stood up and negated every single
point I made. Unbelievable as this maybe, he actually made the following
(1) The opening statement of Qur’an (Bismillah) does
NOT consist of 19 letters !!!
(2) The Quran does NOT consists of 114 suras !!!
He might as well say that the sun does NOT rise from the East.
Of course every Muslim in the world can count the letters in the
“BASMALA” and find that they are 19
letters. This is an undeniable (I thought) PHYSICAL FACT.
And every Muslim in the world can pick up any copy of Qur’an
and see that it consists of |
114 (19 x 6) suras.
But the Christian Canadians who attended the lecture did not know
that. Thus, they left the lecture disillusioned and disappointed,
while we failed to show them the proof that Qur’an is God’s
final message to the world.
The Miracle of Qur’an has been coming out of the computer
at Masjid Tucson for many years now, and the Masjid now has many
branches around the world. Thousands have understood and appreciated
the Miracle and their faith has been strengthened (see 74:31). The
people who have seen light around the world, and the people who
attend our Masjid on regular basis include Americans, Canadians,
British, Egyptians, Indonesians, Malaysians, Iranians, Japanese,
Turks, Africans, Europeans, Pakistanis, Indians and many other nationalities;
The Qur’an states at the end of Sura 47 (entitled Muhammad)
(47:38) that “If you turn away, we will substitute
other people in your place, and they will not be like you.”
The Arabs were given the Qur’an for 1400 years. But they have
abandoned it completely, and were distracted by human-made fabrications
(see details in the accompanying articles). It appears, therefore,
that God has indeed carried out His promise, and decided to substitute
other people in place of the Arabs. God has finally forsaken the
Arabs, because they have turned away form Qur’an (47:38).
The Prophet also disowns the Arabs (his people) on the Day of
Judgment (See Quran 25:30), because of their desertion of Qur’an.
The Arabs seem to have forgotten that Qur’an is the word of
God that came out of the Prophet’s mouth
(see 69:38-47).