February 1985: Page 1, 2, 3

Submitters Perspective

Page 2


A revolutionary restoration of Islam is now taking place.
In the dawning of the 15th Islamic Century, (1400 AH/ 1980AD), The Miracle of Quran has been unveiled.

There is a secret in Quran that provides indisputable evidence that the Quran is the final message from God to the world. See 25:4. We discover that this Secret was to be hidden during the Prophet’s lifetime and revealed at a specific time in the future. See 10:20. After 15 years of meticulous computer analysis and decoding of the Quran, the Miracle of Quran has emerged from Masjid Tucson. Along with this historical revelation, a wealth of divine information has been unveiled that is sure to restore Islam to it’s pristine purity just as it was taught by God’s final prophet, Muhammad. On these pages you will see for yourself the unveiling of these Quranic treasures.

Blessing in Disguise?

"You may dislike something which is actually good for you, and you may like something which is actually bad for you." (Qur’an 2:216).

What appears to be a real disaster may actually be a great blessing in disguise. Our incarcerated brothers may provide a perfect example.

Discovering God and joining his kingdom is the greatest achievement any human being can achieve. If incarceration is what it takes for anyone to attain this precious goal, it is a small price indeed for such a great treasure.

The Qur’an teaches us that if a disbeliever possesses all the treasures of the world, even twice as much, he would readily give it all up in exchange for a believer’s achievement (10:54, 13:18, & 39:47).

If you are a prisoner who discovered the true path to God, and have decided to follow God’s true religion, you are far more fortunate than a billionaire who has failed to discover God.

If you discovered Islam in prison, then incarceration was the greatest blessing that ever happened to you.

It is established that this life is insignificant, when compared to the

real life of the eternal Hereafter. Mathematically, when you divide any number by infinity, the product is zero. So, even a thousand years in this world equal a zero when compared to the infinite Hereafter.

With this Qur’anic understanding, we realize that it doesn’t really matter whether we are poor or rich in this world, fat or thin, tall or short, black or white, male or female, beautiful or ugly.

This life, no matter how long, passes like the blink of an eye (16:77).

When God loves someone, He may afflict him or her with a temporary problem just to get his or her attention. This is what Qur’an teaches in Sura 6, Verse 42 and in 7:94.

Incarceration may be God’s way of blessing you, and getting your attention. It means that God cares about you. If you respond positively to God’s care, and decide to join His kingdom, then he makes it up to you manyfold. He will appoint you a King on Earth. This is God’s inviolable promise as we see in Qur’an 24:55.

There is one important catch: you must

be absolutely positive that you have found the pure Islam, not the Islam that is distorted by traditions and superstitions.

More details in this in future issues In Shaa Allah.


Dear Muslim Prisoner :

Assalamu Alaikum

We want to hear from you.

Please write to us, and keep us informed about the Muslim community in your institution.

We will publish the news of our Muslim brothers who are incarcerated. If you wish to stay anonymous, let us know.

We are interested in all kind of news: who is where, who is transferred, to where, who is new, and who is leaving. Let us know how much time is left to freedom, and we will start a countdown for you.

Let us know what you need, and what we can do to help you.

We will be glad to answer any question you have.