Comments on the Internet
As salam alaikum,
I logged on your site and I gotta say that it is very interesting
and revealing. I converted to Islam from Christianity about
8 months ago. I have been looking for a site on the www that
gives extensive knowledge on Islam and quranic material and
it seems like you guys are it!!! I have to say though that
your section on hadith and sunna and its satanic influence
is quite ‘radical.’ All the Muslims (God bless
them) I hang out with stick to both the sunna and hadiths
very closely. I am very confused. My question to you fine
people are, do you guys get a lot of slack for it? It seems
like a very touchy subject. Anyway God bless…
Sincerely, M.S.N.
Note: Let us hear your comments. If you have access
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